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【各掲示板 利用についてのお願い 2/20〜】

【ジグソーパズル】 【投稿掲示板】 【Upload掲示板】ユーザー名 spank パスワード ing
【臨時掲示板 / BOARD】「作者」や「投稿された作品や書き込み」に関連しない話題は、こちらでお願いします。


No.2230 NAME : su / TIME : 2004/06/08 (Tue) 09:28 / PAINT TIME : 14分58秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)

IMG_003546.jpg ( 77 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet なんでカスミンかというと最近ビデオにとって見始めたからです.おもしろいですね
NAME : つばめ   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/08 (Tue) 19:55


No.2229 . NAME : su / TIME : 2004/06/07 (Mon) 23:14 / PAINT TIME : 11分41秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)

IMG_003544.jpg ( 76 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet
NAME : dustin   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/07 (Mon) 23:49

nice drawing su. can you draw me a pic of Akane Tendo from Ranma being spanked. thanks.


NAME : Fubar   MSIE 6 / Win2000
TIME : 2004/06/08 (Tue) 04:11

You're Doing it again Dustin
NAME : dustin   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/08 (Tue) 04:36


You need to start minding your own business bro. i haven't made very many requests in a while. i got friends of mine that want me to make requests for them. believe what you want if you think it's me you're full of it. so back off.


NAME : Fubar   MSIE 6 / Win2000
TIME : 2004/06/08 (Tue) 07:50

Back off huh? You first.
NAME : dustin   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/08 (Tue) 08:12

there is one artist who is doing requests for me and i wrote a story for this artist in return. so just stay out of my business.


NAME : Fubar   MSIE 6 / Win2000
TIME : 2004/06/08 (Tue) 10:10

And what does that have to do with you pestering everyone now? Is that supposed tp be your excuse for being an annoyance?
NAME : enough is enough   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/08 (Tue) 11:07

Yo Dustin- what, your "friends" can't type for themselves? Do they realize how annoying and gay their chosen "representative" comes off as? KEEP YOUR SORRY-ASS REQUESTS ON THE "BEGGAR'S BOARD" This way they can be properly ignored. And save your time on empty threats too; they really don't impress or intimidate. Please do us all a favor and leave this site for good, or better yet, just drop dead. You won't be missed.
NAME : Fulgur   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/08 (Tue) 13:37

Dustin, please. Wasn't the last Ranma/Akane picture you got enough? Why do you keep asking for more?

Plus, I can give you a hint that your artist isn't happy with you. I can assure you - she's far more kind-hearted that I would be, given the circumstances.

Realize, please, that in this community, artists have something of a celebrity status. Their skill grants them certain privileges, and one of those privileges is undoubtedly that they can't be forced to draw a specific picture.

In other words, you have to do some work first. Write that story of yours, then point at it and say "I need this and this picture for this scene. Would anyone be kind enough to do it?"

You know what? By the time you do it, they will be so fed up with you that you won't get your picture anyways. Except maybe from the artist you bug. Because she's much better person than you deserve.

No.2228 . NAME : su / TIME : 2004/06/07 (Mon) 22:17 / PAINT TIME : 30分12秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)

IMG_003542.jpg ( 89 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet

No.2227 NAME : su / TIME : 2004/06/07 (Mon) 18:50 / PAINT TIME : 12分31秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)

IMG_003540.jpg ( 83 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet きょうは本屋で王女ミリエルという小説を買いました.拷問シーンなんですが.ちゃんとお尻をビシバシ責めているのがいい感じです
NAME : su   MSIE 6 / WinMe
TIME : 2004/06/07 (Mon) 18:51


No.2226 真犯人は・・・ NAME : 妃孝アスカ / TIME : 2004/06/06 (Sun) 14:51 / PAINT TIME : 25分2秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)

IMG_003538.jpg ( 43 KB ) with Shi-cyan applet 掃除中に花瓶を割ってしまったアッシュ君。罪をスマイルに擦り付けて少し後悔中って図です。後ほど彼はユーリにこっぴどくお仕置きされたとかされてないとか(笑)

No.2225 Inside Chibiusa's Dream NAME : Petit / TIME : 2004/06/06 (Sun) 04:40 / PAINT TIME : 32分28秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)

IMG_003537.jpg ( 36 KB ) with Shi-cyan applet Inside of Chibiusa's dream
NAME : mon   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2005/12/11 (Sun) 19:23


No.2224 BB NAMECross / TIME : 2004/06/06 (Sun) 04:31 / PAINT TIME : 15分5秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

IMG_003536.jpg ( 35 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet Wuzzle..?
NAME : DT   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/07 (Mon) 04:18

Hey Cross, its good to see that you dont draw anime characters at all. I have a request, because I'm an atist too, but I'm not good at drawing disney animal characters like the gummi-bears...

Can you draw a scene of Chip n' Dale: the Rescue Rangers, where Chip spank Dale otk...that would be nice...thank you ;)

NAME : プリンとアウト   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2005/10/23 (Sun) 20:40


No.2223 MH NAMECross / TIME : 2004/06/05 (Sat) 04:00 / PAINT TIME : 4分46秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

IMG_003533.jpg ( 19 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet Request
NAME : _CF   MSIE 6 / Win98
TIME : 2004/06/05 (Sat) 06:52


Way to go, Cross! These are all excellent pictures. I specially liked the ones with the Gummy Bears. Your mastery of Disney's style is fantastic!


NAME : dustin   Mozilla / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/05 (Sat) 07:28

thank you cross. i thought chihiro was going to be totally naked, but i like the pic anyway. thanks again.
NAME : リュキ   MSIE 6 / Win98
TIME : 2004/06/05 (Sat) 23:26

NAME : dustin   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/06 (Sun) 00:03


My friend is wondering if you can at least try and draw chibi usa for him. i told him you couldn't, but he won't listen to me. let me know. if you do the pic he wants chibi usa spanked by usagi and he want's chibi naked. let me know.


P.S. I'm making changes to your story, so you should get it soon.

No.2222 Geomancer NAMECross / TIME : 2004/06/05 (Sat) 03:52 / PAINT TIME : 9分39秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

IMG_003531.jpg ( 53 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet x 2 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AnimeSpanking/files/Fulgur%27s%20fics/
NAME : Cypher   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/05 (Sat) 19:45

Great work! i've just only read threw the geomancer series and it is great! your pictures for it are excellent!

and fulgur's writing of it is also excellent! best stories i've read in a long while! good work both of you!

NAME : Fulgur   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/05 (Sat) 23:14

Thanks, Cypher. I'm doing my best :-)
NAME : ii   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2005/10/22 (Sat) 17:09

NAME : ケン   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2005/10/30 (Sun) 16:43


No.2221 恥ずかしい女教師 NAMEゆう / TIME : 2004/06/05 (Sat) 02:26 / PAINT TIME : 32分47秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)

IMG_003528.jpg ( 48 KB ) with Shi-cyan applet 女子生徒にお尻丸出しにされお仕置き。ヘボイけど。
NAME : 陸   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/05 (Sat) 21:36

NAME : ゆう   MSIE 6 / WinMe
TIME : 2004/06/05 (Sat) 23:32


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