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【各掲示板 利用についてのお願い 2/20〜】

【ジグソーパズル】 【投稿掲示板】 【Upload掲示板】ユーザー名 spank パスワード ing
【臨時掲示板 / BOARD】「作者」や「投稿された作品や書き込み」に関連しない話題は、こちらでお願いします。


No.2220 GB NAMECross / TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 17:54 / PAINT TIME : 9分
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

IMG_003527.jpg ( 40 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet -
NAME : dustin   Mozilla / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 22:54

cross, you're doing an excellent job on putting a lot of your work up on this site. i'm proud of you. excellent work cross.


NAME : marsthalia   MSIE 5 / Win98
TIME : 2004/06/05 (Sat) 02:48

I really think that too
Cross, thank you for your great work

No.2218 ANGel NAMECross / TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 07:36 / PAINT TIME : 8分53秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

IMG_003524.jpg ( 23 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet x 2 -
NAME : dustin   Mozilla / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 11:20

nice pic of angelica cross. i'm impressed. she deserves a good spanking.
NAME : sakura_fairy2005   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2005/09/05 (Mon) 22:19

more angelica pics! more*more*more*

No.2217 DB NAMECross / TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 06:47
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

[IMG_003521.jpg( 48 KB )]
NAME : BlueDragon   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 09:35

Great picture, Cross. I love the wide-eyed look of desperation on Videl's face.

I just hope whoever requested this picture so many times is grateful as well.

NAME : dustin   Mozilla / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 11:02

Yes i am greatful. thanks cross i really appreciate it.


NAME : 眼鏡   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 11:27

Okay, Dustin, since Cross-chan was kind enough to draw this picture for you, please do not ask for many more pictures.


NAME : dustin   Mozilla / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 11:35

i am paying her back by doing a story for her. she does it for me because i am kind to her. i do appreciate the stuff she does. if she doesn't want to do it that is her choice. i don't force her to do these drawings for her.
NAME : 眼鏡   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 13:12

It is all cool then if that is the case. ^_^ no worries, and it is a great picture by the way.
NAME :  もも   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2005/09/10 (Sat) 14:54


No.2216 Rock-a-Doodle NAMECross / TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 03:41 / PAINT TIME : 8分33秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

IMG_003520.jpg ( 81 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet -
NAME : dustin   Mozilla / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 04:53

hey cross, nice pic. can you do my request for me real fast. the one of videl it will be appreciated. i'm working on your story as well. so thanks in advance.


No.2214 GB NAMECross / TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 01:55 / PAINT TIME : 11分59秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

IMG_003518.jpg ( 39 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet x 2 -
NAME : DT   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 00:19

Thats one of my favourite, Cross. She deserves it really :)...nice that you are back...
NAME : Jerry   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 02:34

Are you already spank Nadia from "nadia, secret of blue water" ?
Try it, please.
NAME : Fulgur   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/04 (Fri) 05:28

Nice - I remember Gummi Bears to be one of the first target of my spanking fantasies...

Good to have you back, Cross-chan. May and Soot were sad to be out of contact for that long :-)

The whole Geomancer cast sends their best wishes. We hope we haven't lost your favor... and we deeply apologize for any troubles we might have caused.

No.2213 PPG NAMECross / TIME : 2004/06/03 (Thu) 08:06 / PAINT TIME : 8分3秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

IMG_003513.jpg ( 40 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet x 2 For Dustin
NAME : dustin   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/03 (Thu) 06:26

thank you cross. i really appreciate it this pic.


NAME : 眼鏡   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/03 (Thu) 09:59

Glad to have you back Cross-chan. I went to your website. Quite nice artwork. I especially liked the Utena/Anthy one!

No.2212 Gruffi severo e Tummi giovane NAMECross / TIME : 2004/06/05 (Sat) 06:23 / PAINT TIME : 20分13秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

IMG_003534.jpg ( 66 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet x 2 Inspired by "character profiles" ^ ^
NAME : Jill   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/03 (Thu) 04:10

Thank you, sweets. =]

No.2210 SuperTed NAMECross / TIME : 2004/06/02 (Wed) 07:26
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

[IMG_003508.jpg( 66 KB )]
NAME : 白猫(元どりゅふ)   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/02 (Wed) 16:46

NAME : 陸   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/05 (Sat) 21:44


No.2209 アナグマ NAMECross / TIME : 2004/06/01 (Tue) 23:58 / PAINT TIME : 9分1秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

IMG_003507.jpg ( 83 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet -
NAME : Spanky2004   MSIE 5 / Win98
TIME : 2004/06/02 (Wed) 02:54

I love your work
Thank you so much
NAME : marsthalia   MSIE 5 / Win98
TIME : 2004/06/02 (Wed) 02:55

What's the name of this anime?
NAME : Collegeboy   NN 7.02 / OTHER
TIME : 2004/06/02 (Wed) 05:31

So nice to see a new picture from you, Cross-chan! (^ ^)
NAME : Cross   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/02 (Wed) 07:54

Marsthalia, this is not an anime, permit me. These characters are from a story of mine. <:3

Thank you, CB!

NAME : marsthalia   MSIE 5 / Win98
TIME : 2004/06/02 (Wed) 15:07

Well Cross, I love all your draws. They're beutifull
And Collegeboy, when you will make a new draw?, I have a lot of your work, I love it too
NAME : ii   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2005/10/22 (Sat) 17:09


No.2208 ガッシュ NAME : (*^。^*) / TIME : 2004/06/01 (Tue) 15:17 / PAINT TIME : 53分50秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

IMG_003505.jpg ( 43 KB ) with Shi-cyan applet ガッシュ・ティオのコーナータイムです
NAME : 白猫(元どりゅふ)   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/01 (Tue) 16:12

NAME : つばめ   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/01 (Tue) 23:21

NAME : ゆう   MSIE 6 / WinMe
TIME : 2004/06/01 (Tue) 23:36

NAME : 陸   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2004/06/05 (Sat) 21:52


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