+ 画像アップロード +

No.1107 モエかん NAME : su / TIME : 2003/02/11 (Tue) 00:34 / PAINT TIME : 20分38秒
IMG_001819.jpg ( 71 KB ) with Up > Shi-cyan applet  
NAME : らっきいせぶん   MSIE 5.5 / WinMe
TIME : 2003/02/11 (Tue) 03:39



NAME : totoro-san   MSIE 6.0 / Win2000
TIME : 2003/02/11 (Tue) 12:45

su-san , I am all for commissioned pieces as some of the other posts suggest. There are some other characters I would love to have OTK pics of, and I would be glad to repay you! Please feel free to contact me. And once again, I really appreciate the Misaki picture!!!!
NAME : from USA   MSIE 6.0 / WinXP
TIME : 2003/02/11 (Tue) 14:35

You are being very polite. Asking for more drawings is excessive. "Commissioning" the drawings doesn't matter. Every day "SU" creates a picture. Asking for more is rather rude. Sorry for the robot translation.

あなたは非常に丁寧である。より多くのデッサンを頼むことは余分である。デッサンを" 依託することは" 重要でない。あらゆる日" SU " は映像を作成する。多くを頼むことは幾分失礼である。ロボット翻訳のために残念。

NAME : totoro-san   MSIE 6.0 / Win2000
TIME : 2003/02/11 (Tue) 22:57

Hey whatever...there's nothing wrong with being polite and there's nothing wrong with doing work on commission. I know very well that su-san puts out a picture every day, but I cannot presume to gauge an artist's fatigue. I have requested work on commission from other artists, and it was always their choice to accept, refuse or ignore. If there was a link to su's e-mail, I would have made my request more formally.
PASSWORD FlowerPanic  
* パスワードは半角英数で8文字まで有効です。


BBS NOTE 7.31 Basic 
Module search  CheckWords 
Client Program (C)しぃちゃん(shi-cyan)
Client Program (C) にな(nina)