+ 画像アップロード +

No.1650 不快感 NAMECross chan / TIME : 2003/12/22 (Mon) 09:16 / PAINT TIME : 42分57秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

IMG_002682.jpg ( 49 KB ) with Shi-cyan applet -_-;;
NAME : どりゅふ   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2003/12/22 (Mon) 12:11

NAME : ネオ   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2003/12/22 (Mon) 17:12

To:Cross chan
Thank you for your comment!
I can read and write English a little.
So will you write English comment and Japanese one to be translated?
Japanese to be translated using translate soft is a little awkward.
So if I am free and can read, I try to translate your English.

And I like your works.
I want to watch a lot of your works.
I watched your works at the f/m paint board,too.
I'll try my best!
So you'll do your best,too!

NAME : Cross chan   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2003/12/22 (Mon) 17:25

Y_Y; Thank you! Though...I cannot write English perfectly, for it is not my given language. You are generous, please permit my foolishness. ^_^;
NAME : ネオ   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2003/12/23 (Tue) 02:50

No, no.
I thought that you are American.
I'm sorry.
What country do you live?
And what language do you use?
NAME : Cross chan   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2003/12/23 (Tue) 05:30

I am Italia. Though I am currently learning English. I hope you can understand my English, as I am inexperienced. Please forgive me.
NAME : ネオ   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2003/12/23 (Tue) 16:49

Of course!
I forgive you.
I don't blame you from the first.
PASSWORD FlowerPanic  
* パスワードは半角英数で8文字まで有効です。


BBS NOTE 7.31 Basic 
Module search  CheckWords 
Client Program (C)しぃちゃん(shi-cyan)
Client Program (C) にな(nina)