+ 画像アップロード +

No.2883 私の最初仕事 NAME : ぱいぜい / TIME : 2005/03/14 (Mon) 01:51 / PAINT TIME : 22分45秒
BROWSER : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040626 Firefox/0.9.1

IMG_004385.jpg ( 34 KB ) with Shi-cyan applet I know this isn't very good, especially compared to some of the amazing artists like su, but I am still getting used to drawing with a mouse. Any advice would be appreciated. I hope to post more here, over time.

And I realise I need to learn more Japanese, so that more people will know what I'm saying *sweatdrop*

NAME : Collegeboy   NN 7.2 / OTHER
TIME : 2005/03/14 (Mon) 11:23

You are doing ok. If you would like a suggestion, Excite.com has a translation page. You can type your dialog or whatever in English, translate it into Japanese, then copy and paste it into the comment area of the post. It's not always totally accurate, but it should work well as long as its not too complex.
NAME : 化   MSIE 6 / WinXP
TIME : 2005/03/21 (Mon) 10:07

PASSWORD FlowerPanic  
* パスワードは半角英数で8文字まで有効です。


BBS NOTE 7.31 Basic 
Module search  CheckWords 
Client Program (C)しぃちゃん(shi-cyan)
Client Program (C) にな(nina)